Fishladder Inc. launched the Train the Trainer program designed to bring Applied Improvisation into the workplace in a more transformation, sustainable way by equipping trainers within a company to deliver both formal and informal learning experiences…
Teaching at Kendall
Mary Jane is again teaching Improvisation and Design Thinking for the spring 2017 term at Kendall College of Art and Design. KCAD is one of the few schools in the country to offer Applied Improvisation as part of the general education curriculum.…
At the Great Lakes Commonwealth of Letters, Mary Jane had the opportunity to read three of her poems as part of the program for the holiday party in December 2016.
Speaking at AINx Oxford
In August 2016, Mary Jane gave an AINx talk in Oxford, England for the Global Applied Improv Conference on Improvisation and Design Thinking. You can watch it here…the only thing you’ll miss is the standing ovation.
Celebration of the Arts
Mary Jane’s painting, Presence, has been accepted for exhibition in the 2016 Celebration of the Artsfestival. See the 2016 Gallery for her work and more!
We’ve neglected updating our news because the current has been fast and furious at Fishladder during our move to a new location, family challenges, and lots of opportunities to improvise with cool people. We’re grateful and finally surfacing…
A Day at Our State Capitol
On March 8, 2011, Mary Jane joined other Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce members for the West Michigan Business Day at the Capitol. With the objective of showcasing the strength and vibrancy of our west Michigan business community, Chamber…
MiBiz West: Kendall develops new B.F.A. in Design Collaboration
“The challenge for a practice-based program such as design is preparing students to participate in a professional world that can change very quickly. The successful people will be those who can define how those changes will happen, who have…
Fishladder Inc. Celebrates 10 Year Anniversary
We were thrilled to celebrate our 10th anniversary in 2009, and we’re grateful for all the friends, family, clients and vendors who have made this all possible. The success of Fishladder Inc. is due in large part to loyal clients, a supportive…